St. John's

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Sturdy as a Water Oak

We learned this week that the tree that towers over our backyard is a water oak. The birds and squirrels love this tree and so do I. It’s a bit lopsided due to a storm that swept through several years ago causing a very large branch to fall and crush the roof of our neighbor’s garage. That was before our time, but we heard about it and wanted to ensure the stability of the tree today. So, we called an arborist, also known as a tree surgeon, to come and diagnose the tree’s condition.

The good news is that our old tree is sturdy and stable. It’s not going anywhere. There are, however, some dead branches that need to be removed so the tree has space to breathe and for more sunlight to seep in. To strengthen the trunk, other branches need to be pruned so that the ones carrying too much weight are freed from carrying more than their fair share. Suckers on the trunk need to be removed so not to drain energy from the tree’s ability to grow from within.

The parallel for me, in terms of the Church, is that sometimes ministries that are no longer life-giving need to be removed. Petty disagreements or resentments that are sucking energy from the Body need to be trimmed away by forgiveness. Ministries being held up solely by one person need to be shared with others to avoid collapse.

Churches, like trees, need space to breathe and for the Light of Christ to shine through. You know better than I do the dead branches that may need to be removed at St. John’s. You also are the ones who can do something about the suckers (all churches have them!). Best I can tell, St. John’s Church is sturdy and stable and, like our old water oak, needs pruning from time to time to let in the Light and to flourish.

Peace and blessings,
