Not Everyone is Called to Leave

Dear Friends,

This week, we get to hear Mark’s version of what is known in biblical circles as “the call of the disciples.” Most of us know how it goes…Jesus walks up to two fishermen, Simon and Andrew, and says to them, “follow me and I will make you fish for people,” and immediately, they leave their nets and do just that. Right after that, Jesus calls two more fisher folk, James and John, who get right up and leave their father and his staff behind in the boat. 

I have often tried to make sense of this, wondering if these guys new Jesus already, had been drawn in by his teaching, and now he was offering them a life on the road. Leave the boats and see places they’d never been? Why do that? But, why not? A new adventure! So off they went, leaving their towns, their livelihood, their families behind. 

I’ve read that Jewish rabbis of the time typically didn’t seek followers; their followers sought them after a period of research and discernment. Usually studying with a rabbi meant reflecting upon the Torah and other writings. Perhaps the four new disciples recognized something different about Jesus’ invitation. “Follow” suggests going someplace. “Fishing for people” suggests that their interactions will involve more than a small group of students.

Travel, people, and excitement. The disciples found all these things while following Jesus, but probably not in the way they expected. Sometimes they had to glean fields or depend on strangers for food. They’d get kicked out of places; they’d find themselves in increasing danger.

Even the teaching, we’ll read later on, wasn’t what they’d expected. Instead of just reflecting on faith ideas, their beliefs and practices would be challenged. They’d find themselves serving the poor on a hillside or seated at the table with a rich tax collector. Jesus told them that the types of people they’d been taught not to like were often the types God seems to favor.

But here’s what I’ve also wondered. What about those who were left behind? What about all the others who heard Jesus but weren’t called to this life on the road? What about us?

We may need to remind ourselves that not everyone is called to leave the boats and nets, to leave family and place. In fact, most of us are called to stay where we are as we serve God. But at the same time, the calling of Jesus all through the gospels is to get out of our comfort zone, to keep on fishing right where we are, but do it consciously. We bring what it means to have life “on the road with Jesus” into the everyday.

In other words, we pay attention to people living with sickness, poverty, isolation. We challenge the status quo. We seek justice and equity. We live kindly among our friends and family and among strangers. We allow our own faith and assumptions to be upended by new ideas and new experiences. We honor the earth. 

As we prepare for our Annual Meeting this Sunday, we might be asking ourselves: Can we do all this from home? I think we can. But we do it best when follow in Jesus’ footsteps, even if we don’t leave town.

In Christ,



Love Yourself First

