Patty Duffy Patty Duffy

I Am Who I Am

Dear friends,

Although this upcoming Sunday only marks our halfway point through the Lenten Season, this week’s OT lectionary reading (Exodus 3:1-15) made me think of Holy Week. It’s the familiar story of "Moses and the Burning Bush." I have memories of the scene from Cecil B. DeMille’s classic film, The Ten Commandments, with Charleston Heston timidly approaching an ember, glowing “burning bush” (laden with special-effects).

God charges Moses to deliver his people from Egypt, and then Moses inquires, “When people ask, ‘Who sent me’ what name should I give them?” God responds, “I Am Who I Am.”

It’s a bit of a peculiar response. “I Am,” translates from the Hebrew word hāyâ (Yahweh) and means: to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out. Pretty confusing stuff.

The truth is we say confusing stuff all the time in church, such as the Gloria Patria. "Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end." It’s a doxology confessing a God who is one-in-three and three-in-one, who abides in-and-out of a timeless cycle. (Insert head-scratching emoji)

Aside from all this theological pondering, is the simple question, “Who is God?” And the honest answer is nobody knows. Our faith in a triune God is exactly that…faith, not deductive reasoning or scientific certitude.

During Lent we are invited not only to fast, but also to reflect on divinity. We might ponder, “Who is God, to me? How do I understand God?” If we are able to find moments of solitude to get in tune with this meditation, then we too, like Moses, might remove our “sandals” (whatever those might be in our lives) as we encounter the Holy.

In Christ,


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Patty Duffy Patty Duffy

Beyond Differences, We Are the Same

Message from Rev. Anthony

Dear Friends,

I recently got into a text-chat with a friend from Northern Virginia. He was sharing how he was fasting for the next 30 days for Ramadan. Muslims believe that the Quran (Moslem’s Holy Book) was revealed during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and so they fast from dawn to sunset in order to observe this holy time. They are also encouraged to pray and reflect on scripture.

I, of course, immediately thought of Lent and how the two traditions resemble one another. I also thought of how Ash Wednesday, in particular, shares many similarities with the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Although our religions are as diverse as we are (as people), there are fundamental attributes that they share such as fasting, forgiveness, and the mercy of God.

While Ash Wednesday is a Christian tradition, the belief that “we are dust and from dust we will return,” speaks of a universal principle that transcends any particular faith. It suggests that the essence of who we are eclipses the differences we may have.

This is an important reminder in a sociopolitical climate that wants to highlight our differences, in order to fragment shared interests, which could lead to shared action. As the old adage goes, “united we stand, divided we fall.”

This past Monday several St. John’s members went to the RISC rally at Second Baptist Church. It was encouraging to see hundreds of Richmonders of all races, religions, and genders gather together to focus on issues (affordable housing, gun violence, and healthy homes) affecting the most vulnerable in our society. There will continue to be challenges of injustice in our world, but as long as we are willing to see the splendor of our diverseness, the strength of our fortitude, and the truth, that we are all children of the Most High; then we can find “beauty in the ashes” of chaos. 

In Christ,


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Patty Duffy Patty Duffy

Do Not Fret

Dear Friends,

As I write this reflection, light snow is slowly cascading across Richmond. Also, happening halfway across the globe, many Ukrainians are left without power nor adequate shelter in the cold, bitterness of winter; not because of any storm; rather, their misery is due to man’s propensity towards war and the lust for power.

The Psalmist in this week’s lectionary reading begins by imploring his audience to “not fret yourself because of evildoers.” (Psalms 37:1) “Fret” can either mean “to become angry” or “ to be anxious or to worry,” depending on the translation. Even thousands of years ago, this writer is acutely aware that wickedness, at times, succeeds. This is the reality of what it means to be human, whether in antiquity or post-modernity. Being aware of this sobering circumstance, the author of Psalms 37 implores readers to “trust in the Lord” and “wait upon God.” He recognizes it is our faith that will sustain us during dark times.

“Waiting on God” does not suggest being stagnant. I believe it implies finding the balance between human effort and providence. Wisdom must be sought to discern between striving towards a more equitable world and recognizing if one becomes lost in the zealousness of their cause. Or as the Psalmists wrote, “…do not fret yourself, it leads only to evil.” (Psalms 37:9)

In this week’s newsletter there are several events that I hope you consider attending that will give parishioners the opportunity to work toward justice, at least at the local level. While we are all aware of the challenges occurring globally and nationally, we must also recognize, in the words of Dr. King, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” So let us get plugged-in to actions that can effect change in our “own backyard.”

In Christ,

Rev. Anthony

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Patty Duffy Patty Duffy


Message from Rev. Anthony Gaboton

Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe that I have already been at St. John’s for a little over a month now. As Rev. Amelie recently preached, I feel interspersed somewhere between chronos and kairos time. I anticipate becoming more involved with the ministerial life of St. John’s, while simultaneously preparing for it, by getting to know protocol, parishioners, and the rhythm of my professional and personal life. This is all undergirded by a profound gratitude towards God.

Speaking of ‘gratitude’, I recently had a conversation with some of the parishioners at Calvary Episcopal Church in Hanover (the congregation I am serving on the 2nd and 4th Sundays), that gave me much to be grateful for. That particular evening was cold, and we were talking about the surrounding area close to the church.

“Well, you know Rev.,” one parishioner shared, “there are some folks that don’t live too far from the church who don’t have any heat.”

“Oh, wow. Are they homeless?” I curiously asked.

“No, they have a house,” he replied, “they just have to use a stove or fireplace to keep it warm.”

“Yeah, and a couple of them still use outhouses,” another parishioner added. 

Outhouses?! I couldn’t believe there are Americans in the 21st century who are still using outhouses, especially considering the country’s wealth. I also thought about how miserable it would be to go outside in the cold to use the bathroom.

As we draw nearer to Christmas and face the inevitable pull of shopping and festivities, I am reminded of the plight of others, the abundance of blessings I have, for which I am very grateful, and the work ahead to help share Christ’s love in deeds and actions.

In Christ,


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