Inquirers’ Class
Inquirers’ Class is offered annually to individuals interested in becoming a member of St. John's through Confirmation or Reception. The class is also a great refresher for those who were confirmed years ago and would like to reaffirm their Baptismal Vows or simply brush up on their knowledge of church history and theology. Our meetings accommodate the schedules of all the participants, who will gather for six sessions. The class serves as preparation for our Bishop's visitations.
The class offers participants an interactive opportunity for learning and reflecting upon the history, traditions, and practices of the Episcopal Church, and on the identity we all share through our Baptismal Covenant. The program, entitled, I Will with God’s Help is based on the Baptismal Covenant from The Book of Common Prayer and encourages youth and adults to share their faith journeys through creative engagement with scripture, prayer, art, literature, current events, and reflection upon life experience.
New Inquirer’s Class Forming
This spring, we will offer a formation series for those who are interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or in becoming a member of St. John's through Confirmation or Reception.
Please email Amelie to express interest or ask questions.