Faith Formation at St. John’s
The concept of “faith formation” offers a holistic view of spiritual growth, including practices and opportunities such as learning, contemplation, praying, worshiping, celebrating, and serving that are the lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, self, others, and all of creation. Faith formation ministries offer a variety of initiatives for education, spiritual growth, and community building.
Sunday Forum meets each Sunday during the program year at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Topics have included emerging spiritual leaders; prophets ancient and new; forms of prayer; explorations of the sacred in music, Christian ethics and social justice, art, storytelling, and other religions; and Bible Study.
Sunday Forum
Wednesday Evening Programs
Each week, members and friends gather to discuss scripture, compelling books, and sacred writings from authors both ancient and new. Our weekly discussions begin at 7:00 p.m., and have become a place of welcome and engagement for newcomers and established members, alike, leading participants into deeper relationships with one another and with God. Recent bible and book studies have included: The Gospel of Luke, Holy Envy by Barbara Brown Taylor, a collection of reflections by Henri Nouwen, and a chronological study of the letters of Paul, guided by Marcus Borg’s The Evolution of the Word.
All are welcome to attend, whether you have joined us in the past or not. The format lends itself well to drop-ins.
During Lent: We offer our Annual Wednesday Evening Lenten Supper Series, including a potluck supper followed by programming on a variety of topics concerning matters of faith, social justice, racial reconciliation, and spirituality.

Annual Parish Retreat at Shrine Mont

Education for Ministry (EfM)
EFM is a four-year distance learning certificate program created by the University of the South, offering theological education based upon small-group study and practice designed for lay people to discover and nurture their call to Christian service. EfM is designed to incorporate group members of all four years of study. St. John’s EfM group meets on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. from September through May. Anyone interested in beginning their study should contact Tammy Shackelford.

Saint John’s Episcopal Church GIFT
A monthly meeting of women-identifying individuals whose lived experience of violence, abuse, trauma, or unexpected life-altering circumstances informs their ongoing spiritual growth and transformation. Members offer each other support, understanding and grace, using their shared history as a unique lens through which a life of peace can be achieved. Members collaboratively identify meeting topics and special activities for group discussion and reflection.

Inquirer’s Class
For those who want to learn more about the Episcopal Church. This course prepares participants for Confirmation, Reception to the Episcopal Church, and Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows
Those interested in helping with any of our faith formation initiatives should contact the Rev. Amelie Wilmer.