Sunday Forum

Seeing Our Congregation in a New Light

Telling Patrick Henry's Story at St. John's Church

This Epiphany season, Sunday Forum delves into the history and evolving identity of St. John’s Church, tracing our journey from colonial origins to the present day.

This week our very own Ryan Smith, Professor of History at Virginia Commonwealth University, leads us in exploring our congregation's legacy as host to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775, a significant step in the path to the American Revolution.

Since 1775, the story of Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or give me death," speech, delivered at St. John's, has shaped the history of our congregation. How did earlier generations of parishioners and visitors engage with that part of the parish's history? We will explore several examples leading up to and through the creation of the St. John's Church Foundation in 1938 as we prepare to consider the interest the 250th anniversary of that speech will bring to our parish.                                                                              

To learn more about Ryan, click here.

Note: Parishioners are also welcome to join via Zoom.

 Sundays through March 2

9:15 a.m.

Parish Hall

Nursery available

Participate via Zoom

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