Serving in Worship
At St. John’s, we invite every member to participate in our worship services, and there are a variety of ways you can be involved. By serving in worship, you help provide an enriched, spiritually nourishing experience that brings us closer to God and to one another.
The participation of adults, youth, and children in our ministries is vital to continually enhancing our worship. We provide training for servers throughout the program year. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact the Rev. Amelie Wilmer or Victoria Hauser.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild maintains all supplies necessary for the celebration of Sunday Eucharists and other worship services. They order and arrange flowers for the sanctuary, prepare the altar, set up for baptisms, and decorate the church for Christmas and Easter, bringing order and beauty to all services at St. John’s. New members are always welcome. If you are interested in serving, please contact Sarah File.
Music Ministry
The choir sings during our 10:00 a.m. Sunday service and at special services, singing a variety of music traditions from Anglican choral music to gospel and more. The choir practices on Thursday evenings during the program year and before the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday mornings. Other elements of the music ministry include coordinating hymn sings, hosting concerts, and leading singing during our Lent and Wednesday evening programs. Everyone is invited to participate. Singers and instrumentalists of all ages are encouraged to contact Curt Sydnor.
Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Lay Readers read the lessons and lead prayers at each service. Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist at communion by serving the wine. Lay Eucharist Visitors (LEVs) take communion directly from the worship service to the home bound, bringing the St. John’s community to those who cannot attend church on Sunday mornings. Both the LEMs and the LEVs are licensed by the Diocese of Virginia. Training sessions for these ministries occur throughout the year.
After the main Sunday morning service, greeters stand in the receiving line with the clergy and collect contact information and other pertinent data from visitors. They also direct our guests to the Parish Hall for coffee hour after the service.
Ushers greet members and newcomers upon their arrival at worship services, distributing name tags and, answering questions, and seating people. Ushers also guide worship participants to the altar rail during communion, collect the offering, and make sure worshipers have prayer books.
Acolytes and Crucifers
Members of this team assist the clergy and other servers throughout the worship service. They light and extinguish the candles and assist clergy during the offertory and at the celebration of the Eucharist. Crucifers lead all processions during the service. Anyone aged 8 and above is invited to serve.