Fellowship creates opportunities for our members, friends, and visitors to build relationships. The Fellowship Ministry Team provides appetizing refreshments and convivial settings in which all people feel welcomed and included.
This ministry of hospitality includes coordinating the Parish Hall and Kitchen supplies, planning receptions for special events and managing weekly Sunday Coffee Hours. Special annual events include the Annual Meeting Potluck Brunch, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the Easter Brunch, the Stars and Stripes Picnic, and the St. John’s Celebration. There are many opportunities to help out with these events. If you can participate, please contact team leader Ann Hardy.
Parish Retreats at Shrine Mont
This year’s retreat is scheduled for September 27-29.
Annually, members of our St. John’s family hold a parish retreat at Shrine Mont, a conference and retreat center of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia located in the mountains of beautiful Orkney Springs, Virginia. The weekend getaway allows time for members to replenish their spiritual and physical strength, relax with one another outside of church and regular life, and discuss topics like “Sabbath” or “Spiritual Practices for Real People” in a casual, low-key setting. Learn more about Shrine Mont here.
Tuesday Morning Stitch and Chat
Stitch and Chat Looks Forward to Your Company
If you're looking for good company and time to work on your latest handiwork, or if you've always wanted to learn how to do some type of needle work (knitting, crocheting, embroidery, etc.) you're invited join a group of crafters each Tuesday morning in the Parish House Library.
Contact Martha Broughton for more information.
10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Young Adults Group
The Young Adult group provides an opportunity for younger members of the church (20's, 30's, 40-ish) to meet socially and to engage in outreach and other activities within the church and throughout the surrounding community. The YA group generally gathers for one event per month, including our National Night Out ice cream social, opportunities to explore questions of faith, outdoor picnics/cookouts, game nights, the Epiphany bonfire, Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball games , and social gatherings in members’ homes, including the annual Christmas and Super Bowl parties. We also provide food and refreshments once a month for Sunday Coffee Hour. Interested in this friendly, low key group? Please contact Liz Broda.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, for a suggested donation of only $5 per adult and $2 per child, serves pancakes, sausage, and baked apples. Bring your friends and family!
To volunteer to help prepare, serve, or clean up, please contact Ann Hardy.
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Parish Hall
Each Sunday ushers and greeters welcome visitors, collecting their contact information so that we can follow up and encourage them to become a part of our community. Each member of St. John’s can assist in reaching out to our newcomers and engaging them simply by offering a warm, sincere welcome. We hope to offer several newcomer events this year, including gatherings in members’ homes. If you want to become more involved, contact Laura Streat or Amelie Wilmer.