Saint John’s Vestry


Lynn Anderson, Chair of Finance Committee


Victoria Hauser, Register


Next Vestry Meeting

Tuesday, March 18

at 6:00 p.m.

in the  Parish Hall

All members of St. John’s Church are welcome to attend vestry meetings as observers. Minutes of recent meetings are posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall foyer. Please share your ideas or questions about the life of our parish with a vestry member

Digitization of St. John's Parish Records

St. John's Vestry records, essential sources for the parish's history, run from 1730 to the present. Organized by monthly or yearly meetings, these records reveal the evolution of the congregation and the city. Recently our vestry, aided by our church archives and Foundation teams, helped the Library of Virginia digitize vestry records dating from 1730 through 1900. These records can now be viewed online for free at the Library of Virginia's website.

Additionally, the Library of Virginia will add our vestry records to their transcription program to make the handwritten records more legible and electronically searchable. Find more information about the transcription program here.