Anam Cara

Dear Friends:

As I move through this first week back at St. John’s after my medical leave, I am reminded at least once an hour why I have missed all of you so much: the laughter I share with our staff as we review the achievements, fumbles, and surprises of the previous week; the enthusiasm and passion of the members involved in planning the Juneteenth service for St. John’s and St. Peter’s; the jittery excitement of the young couple to be married at St. John’s this Saturday; the emails and phone calls with news and stories and ideas to consider. Even preparing for next Tuesday’s vestry meeting, with all the reports and financials and agenda setting, has brought me a renewed sense of appreciation for the creativity, resourcefulness and depth of our shared life.
But mostly, I’ve been reminded of the great gift of our friendships. The friendships I share with you and the friendships you share with one another. So much of the time we talk about “relationships.” But more and more I’m interested in the very specific kind of relationship that friendship offers – one that affirms, offers companionship, truly listens, lends a hand, inspires, see the best in us, and is present when we need it most. Jesus chose to call us his friends.

During this time of reconnecting and regathering with friends of all sorts – whether in homes or neighborhoods or church, restaurants or gyms, close by or far away - I invite you to open your hearts to the blessings of the friends who have been mates to your souls, or in the words of the ancient Celts, Anam Cara. And I offer you this blessing by the late John O’Donahue:

May you be blessed with good friends.

May you learn to be a good friend to yourself.

May you be able to journey to that place in your soul where

there is great love, warmth, feeling, and forgiveness.

May this change you.

May it transfigure that which is negative, distant, or cold in you.

May you be brought in to the real passion, kinship, and affinity of belonging.

May you treasure your friends.

May you be good to them and may you be there for them;

may they bring you all the blessing, challenges, truth,

and light that you need for your journey.

May you never be isolated.

May you always be in the gentle nest of belonging with your anam ċara.

-John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

In Christ,



Planting Seeds


Lamp, Lifeboat, Ladder