“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!”

Dear friends,

In this week’s reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans, Paul encourages the people of the newly founded church in Rome to go out and spread the good news of God’s saving love for all people….all people. Using his nifty tools of persuasion, he reminds them, “How are people to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how will they hear, unless you all go out and tell them!” Paul concludes:

“As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!”

Well, this week, I have some good news to bring to you.  Not quite the kind that Paul had in mind, but somewhat related. I am aware that many of you have expressed an interest in gathering for outdoor worship at St. John’s, and am pleased to announce that on Saturday Evening, August 15, we will be offering a simple evening vespers service at 6:30 p.m. in the churchyard. Of course, you will need to wear your face masks, remain at least six feet apart from one another, and be prepared for some changes: there won’t be any congregational singing or handshakes or hugs. But there will be music, prayers, lessons and a homily, and lots of room for the Holy Spirit to dwell in the spaces between us. I have a feeling that just being together again will make all the difference.

To assist us in preparing for your arrival, we ask that you read the instructions in the announcement below including the details and guidelines for our worship. And if you do plan to attend, we encourage you to sign up in advance using the link provided.  This will help us in our planning and in notifying you in case weather causes us to postpone the service.  

And for those of you who are in an at-risk category or simply are not comfortable gathering in person yet, please do not feel pressure to attend the outdoor service. We will hold you in our hearts, and we will continue offering our online Sunday morning worship video on YouTube, followed by our virtual coffee hour via zoom. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

“As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!” 

I am grateful for being the one with beautiful feet today, and looking forward to worshiping again “in person” very soon.

In Christ,



Ongoing communion with one another


What does it mean to “glorify” God?