The Kingdom of God

Dear Friends, 

In our readings from the gospel of Matthew for these past few weeks, we find Jesus teaching his followers by using parables that explain the reality of God’s vision for creation, what he terms the “Kingdom of God.”  Two weeks ago, we heard that this kingdom was like a Sower who sows seeds on all kinds of soil, fertile and fallow, trusting that some will bear good fruit.  Last week, the kingdom was like a farmer whose field is infested with weeds, but who waits to pull them out until the harvest is done.

This morning, Jesus offers his parables in a litany of brief, one or two line similes that begin with the same five words, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like….”  It’s like...a tiny seed, yeast hidden in flour, treasure buried and found again, a pearl nesting deep within the sea.  Upon hearing this line-up, my usual tendency is to find some consistency, some shared theme, or a nugget of truth that these comparisons are trying to make about God’s will for creation. But more recently, I’ve come to realize that I might be missing the point; that Jesus’ purpose in telling a lot of parables wasn’t to offer a uniform, clear cut explanation of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to illuminate its diversity and complexity to a diverse and complex group of people.

In other words, Jesus understood that we never know what might click for us, or when the connection will happen, for your faith, for what we believe. What illustration, what analogy will resonate? Each day is different when it comes to the journey of faith.

So, the question I’ve asked myself this week is this: what parable best describes my own understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven?  Not just the one I believe in, but the one I want to experience.  What about you?  This past week I polled a few friends, and here is what they offered:

The kingdom of heaven is like…

  • A cool wet towel on the back of  your neck at the end of a hot summer day

  • A buttercup bursting from the cracks of the sidewalk.

  • An infant, sound asleep in its mother’s arms.

  • The warm embrace of a lifelong friend.

It’s also like….

  • Finding that favorite sweater you thought you’d lost, or the missing passport, or the keys to your car.

  • Waking up from a bad dream and realizing that in fact you haven’t missed the appointment, or failed to prepare for the exam, or forgotten to bring your sermon manuscript to church (This one is mine!)

  • Eating and drinking all you want without gaining weight or waking up with a hangover! (This last one made me laugh).

The Kingdom of Heaven is like all of these things, and more.  Take time this week to consider what the God’s vision for creation looks and feels like to you.  Pay attention to the difference it makes when you do.

In Christ,




